This is Matt and on 15th April 2022, sadly Matt died by suicide. Matt was playful with a deep side. He loved his friends and family with a passion with music and played the guitar, loved his animals including horses and dogs and loved to visit the beach. Matt took pride in his work and from the outside, life looked pretty good.
Life wasn't always easy and with the impact on mental health led to a devastating day for all.
His smile, love and light shines on in each of us that remember him.

Matt Smiles
Thinking about Matt and not remembering if or when I told him he made me smile and he was such a good friend, though we shared many laughs and smiles. Not being a runner (or wanting to be) I was thinking about what I could do as a challenge and bring awareness to mental health, suicide and suicide bereavement.
I'd always wanted to do something in the positive psychology aspect, what makes us happy, (very basic terms) and came up with the idea of sending a smile to those who make us smile.
Share a smile, create a smile.
The Challenge was to send 126 smiles to people. A greeting card in which someone has written to someone and telling them why and how they make them smile, bring love and joy into their life. In the smile sent, there was another for someone else to share if they chose, to continue the smiles. We sent 142! Most by post, 114 with the rest completed on the day and to be given by hand. 2 went international which was amazing!
I had much support locally including Telford & Wrekin council, friends, near and far and of course Matt's parents were fully on board and gave blessing to this tribute to him.
A special thank you to Lisa and Juliet who supported on the day and to all those who came and sent a smiles.
The reason for 126 is that this is the number of people who take their life each week in the UK according to numbers by the Samaritans Report 2022.
I may not know the reactions to those receiving the smiles but the feedback of those writing and sending them was magical.
One response to receiving I can share
'I've just received your card. Thank you so much, made me cry but it was really nice and I appreciate it.'
My hope is that all that received got a good feeling and it made them smile, (even a few tears of joy too).
Due to circumstances I was unable to hold an event in 2024, however, 2025 the planning has begun.
Save the date 12th April 2025!
More to follow. Please come back soon!

SMILES - The Acronym
The thought began with mental health and how we focus on the what makes us unhappy and how to 'fix' it but I noticed something missing, what, who, makes us happy and smile. So much exposure to fear, doom and gloom and wanted to save the smile. I do think it can help to fight against the fears, anxieties and depressions - though I understand sometime we cannot always see the smiles when feel low and scared and can zap smiles before we get to see them, feel them, yet in a moment of sharing a smile is a moment of hope that it is still there and not all is lost. Joy can be found again. I now practice seeing these smiles not only with people I'm in contact with but also my own. I invite you to do the same.
The Acronym below can help you notice these smiles.
S – Sharing – What have you shared together, memories, events, a moment or many? How do you connect?
M – Meaning – What do they mean to you? The meaning of your relationship?
I – Impact – What impact have they made on you? You happiness, your life? What difference do they make to you?
L – Luck – How do you feel lucky knowing them and what do you appreciate about them being part of your life?
E – Enjoyment – What do you enjoy about them? What do you enjoy together?
S – Sparkles – Because of all the SMILES, How do you sparkle and shine because of them?